
Here we go: Circular economy in practice or the old windows have to go.

Our new construction project number 1 is becoming concrete. After receiving the building permit, sales negotiations are now underway and plans are underway to demolish the old building.

The concept of a circular economy helps reduce resource scarcity, lower emissions, reduce waste, and decrease dependence on the extraction of new raw materials. A consistently sustainable building project ideally continues to use the existing building. In our case, however, deconstruction is unfortunately unavoidable (static defects, partially missing foundations, pest infestation, etc.).. Therefore, as much usable material as possible should be preserved and passed on.

As usual, the theory sounds simple, but in practice it takes patience and time. First, the old, but still good windows must go. After some research work, we have found a solution with the association “Re-Win we found the right partner. All windows will be used for reconstruction in Ukraine. We are very happy.

Step 1 for the dismantling is therefore in the bag. Follow us here for the next steps. We will keep you updated.

Maybe you even have useful tips and hints in this matter? We are still looking for some buyers for usually quite well preserved building elements (e.g. bricks, wooden beams, gates, etc.). Tips are welcome….

Now the detailed sales documentation download.

PS: why actually wood construction? Click here to view….